The Russian Girl I Fell In Love With Story part 1 (by X73-Andre')

The time is 12:00 am and I'm still trying to figure out what type of story to write to add on to my story collections. I type a few sentences thinking this is something I could work with then I just hit the back space erasing it all and start all over again. My fingers over the keyboard and just staring at my computer monitor I just couldn't think of anything to type. I got up and went to the kitchen and grab a soda out of the fridge hoping that if I had something cold to drink maybe It would help me think of something to type. Well after finishing my soda I found out that didn't work, I felt good and refreshed but still could't think of a dam thing. So I turned off the computer laid down in bed to give it another try tomorrow. Just when I was about to close my eyes I heard drops of water coming down from inside my room, I reached over and turned on the light and saw water coming down from the ceiling just at the foot of my bed. Now I didn't know what the hell was going on but I was going to find out, so I quickly got dressed and went up to the next floor and knocked on my neighbors door. After knocking for several minutes the door opens up and standing there is this beautiful woman wearing a very wet nightgown. TO BE CONTINUE !

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