MY FLOW OF MONEY STORY Part 2 (by X73-Andre')

Well I knew that painting was going to be expensive and my girl friend would be paying for it, so in discuss I said no lets not get it at the same time I slapped the side of my pants pocket. I had paused for several seconds then my girl friend stood up looked at me and said whats the matter. I looked at her wired then I reached into my pants pocket and pulled out 5 one hundred dollar bills. Where did you get that my girlfriend said with a surprise look on her face. I raised the money up to my chest looking at it and saying honey this money was not in my pocket before how it got in my pocket I don't know. Before my girlfriend could say another word I said quickly to the old man how much you want for the painting. The old man said while at the same time handing me the painting what you have in your hand is just fine. So I gave the old man the money and me and my girl friend walked back to our hotel room. I leaned the painting on the wall next to the bed room closet door. My girl friend standing next to me saying its beautiful I can't wait to hang it up on the wall back home, yea me too I said with a soft voice. You still worried about that money Andre' forget about it come on lets go to the movies she said while rubbing my back. I said okay, so we took a quick shower and off to the movies we went. The hotel we was staying at was huge and had it's own movie theater so we didn't have to go far out the way. We approached the ticket booth and my girl asked me what do I want to see. I said what ever you want to see, she told the lady at the booth what we wanted to see and the lady said the two tickets will cost $14.95 so my girl friend opened up her small pocket book and said dam I left my money and the hotel key card on the bed. I said don't worry about the hotel key card I have mine, I took out my wallet and showed my girl I have the extra key card. Just before I was about to put my wallet back in my pants pocket a guy waiting in line behind us said sir you dropped your money. My girl and I looked down at the floor and saw several hundred dollar bills at the side of my feet. My girl friend looked at me just stunned, I however turned around to the guy and said Mr. that's not my money, he said to me sure is your money I saw it drop out of your pocket when you took it out your wallet. TO BE CONTINUED !.

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