MY FLOW OF MONEY STORY Part 6 (by X73-Andre')

As I picked up the panting and turn it around to my girlfriend she pointed and said Andre' look at the back of the painting. I twisted the painting around and on the back of it was a Five Hundred Dollar Bill. I dropped the painting and the bill fell off and landed on the floor. My girl and I was speechless we was just not believing this was happening. Well my girl picked up the bill and said Andre' whats ever happening let it happen lets just enjoy and have fun come on lets go out and shop. I picked up the painting brushed it off and leaned it back against the wall nodded my head and said okay. I thought I was dreaming but it was very real, the money kept coming and coming from everywhere I wake up and money is under my pillow my girlfriend finds money in her shoes, in her purse, in her bath robe, even in the refrigerator. We go to public restrooms and find hundred dollar bills falling from between the bathroom tissues, between the table napkins at the restaurants we go to. A year has past and one day a very young guy dressed in a new suit approached my girl and I on the beach and said excuse me for bothering you two but I had just lost my job, up to my ears in debt and need a few dollars for car fare. My girlfriend and I looked at each other and before we could say something he put his briefcase down opened it up removed all his papers from it and said here you can have it and my tie, my shoes, and my jacket for some car fare back home. Well my girl and I knew after looking into his eyes and the things that he was doing he was telling the truth. My girlfriend looked at me I nodded my head and said okay give it to him. My girlfriend said to the guy keep your stuff and take this little picture keep it with you at all times and enjoy. After the guy left from us my girl and I lad back on the sand, I reached in my pocket took out my wallet and handed my girl friend back the same picture she gave to the young guy. My girlfriend with her arms around me kissed me and said honey we need to take more pictures of our PAINTING ON THE WALL. THE END!

MY FLOW OF MONEY STORY Part 5 (by X73-Andre')

My girlfriend stood next to me with her hand over her mouth and I was just frozen, I did not know what to do, whether to pick it up or leave it there. well I decided to leave it there. I told my girlfriend lets get outta here and on the way to the elevator I could hear the cashier still thanking me for the money. After we got off the elevator we headed back to our hotel room to figure out what the hell was going on. As my girlfriend sat in the chair I stood up looking at the painting that we had bought from the old man. Honey you really think that painting has something to do with whats happening, I don't know but I do know money keeps appearing, in my pockets on the floor next to my feet I just don't know whats going on. As I picked up the panting and turn it around to my girlfriend she pointed and said Andre' look at the back of the painting. I twisted the painting around and on the back of it was a Five Hundred Dollar Bill. TO BE CONTINUE !

MY FLOW OF MONEY STORY Part 4 (by X73-Andre')

I looked at my girl friend and said the rest of the money is not in my pocket., my girl friend said what, and just before I could say anything else the cashier leaned over the counter point and said sir your money is on the floor. In a split second I thought to myself how the hell could I have dropped loose change too, but anyway I looked to pick it up and when I looked there was 5 new one hundred dollar bills on the floor. My girlfriend stood next to me with her hand over her mouth and I was just frozen, I did not know what to do, whether to pick it up or leave it there. well I decided to leave it there. I told my girlfriend lets get outta here and on the way to the elevator I could hear the cashier still thanking me for the money. After we got off the elevator we headed back to our hotel room to figure out what the hell was going on. TO BE CONTINUE !

MY FLOW OF MONEY STORY Part 3 (by X73-Andre')

My girl and I looked down at the floor and saw several hundred dollar bills at the side of my feet. My girl friend looked at me just stunned, I however turned around to the guy and said Mr. that's not my money, he said to me sure is your money I saw it drop out of your pocket when you took it out your wallet. Sir (with a stern loud voice) I told you this is not my money now you can have it if you want it but its not my money. My girl friend placed her hand on my arm and said please lets not make a scene just pick it up and lets go. Well with mostly everyone on line looking at us I picked up the money gave one hundred dollars to my girlfriend to pay for our movie tickets and gave the rest to the guy behind us. Well after my girl paid for the tickets she gave me back the change and went inside to go upstairs to the fifth floor where our movie was being shown. Once the elevator opened a swarm of people rush inside and me & my girl said dam let us out first, squeezing our way out we walked to the concession stand. What are you having honey my girl friend said, I'm having what your having so my girl friend telling the cashier two medium sprites, one large popcorn, and two large boxes of goobers, the cashier rang everything up and said that will be twenty four dollars even. I said dam y'all make sure y'all stay in business, now I knew the cashier was being funny when she replied back by saying we try. Well before this was going to go down a different road I thought to myself let me just pay her and get outta here. So I reached in my pocket for the rest of the money left over from purchasing the tickets and it was not there. I looked at my girl friend and said the rest of the money is not in my pocket., my girl friend said what, and just before I could say anything else the cashier leaned over the counter point and said sir your money is on the floor. In a split second I thought to myself how the hell could I have dropped loose change too, but anyway I looked to pick it up and when I looked there was 5 new one hundred dollar bills on the floor. TO BE CONTINUED !.

MY FLOW OF MONEY STORY Part 2 (by X73-Andre')

Well I knew that painting was going to be expensive and my girl friend would be paying for it, so in discuss I said no lets not get it at the same time I slapped the side of my pants pocket. I had paused for several seconds then my girl friend stood up looked at me and said whats the matter. I looked at her wired then I reached into my pants pocket and pulled out 5 one hundred dollar bills. Where did you get that my girlfriend said with a surprise look on her face. I raised the money up to my chest looking at it and saying honey this money was not in my pocket before how it got in my pocket I don't know. Before my girlfriend could say another word I said quickly to the old man how much you want for the painting. The old man said while at the same time handing me the painting what you have in your hand is just fine. So I gave the old man the money and me and my girl friend walked back to our hotel room. I leaned the painting on the wall next to the bed room closet door. My girl friend standing next to me saying its beautiful I can't wait to hang it up on the wall back home, yea me too I said with a soft voice. You still worried about that money Andre' forget about it come on lets go to the movies she said while rubbing my back. I said okay, so we took a quick shower and off to the movies we went. The hotel we was staying at was huge and had it's own movie theater so we didn't have to go far out the way. We approached the ticket booth and my girl asked me what do I want to see. I said what ever you want to see, she told the lady at the booth what we wanted to see and the lady said the two tickets will cost $14.95 so my girl friend opened up her small pocket book and said dam I left my money and the hotel key card on the bed. I said don't worry about the hotel key card I have mine, I took out my wallet and showed my girl I have the extra key card. Just before I was about to put my wallet back in my pants pocket a guy waiting in line behind us said sir you dropped your money. My girl and I looked down at the floor and saw several hundred dollar bills at the side of my feet. My girl friend looked at me just stunned, I however turned around to the guy and said Mr. that's not my money, he said to me sure is your money I saw it drop out of your pocket when you took it out your wallet. TO BE CONTINUED !.

MY FLOW OF MONEY STORY Part 1 (by X73-Andre')

It just keeps coming, even if I don't want it to come anymore it keeps coming to me, it loves me it won't leave me. When I wake up its under my pillow, when I pull out a 10 it turns into a 100 dollar bill and now I have came to the conclusion that its a part of me. Wow that was some dream you had there my girl friend said as we walk down the boardwalk just outside of the hotel. While standing at the end of the docks watching the sun go down a very bright star appeared out of nowhere above the sun set. My girl friend pointed and said wow do you see that Andre', I said yea it's beautiful, both of you have something in common. With a warm smile on her face she looked at me and kissed me with her soft lips then said lets go the movies my treat. Well she knew the kinda financial situation I was in so I softly said okay at the same time rubbing her back side. As we was walking back to the hotel on the boardwalk a very old guy dressed in a torn up suit approached us with a painting in his hand and said you look like a very nice couple would you like to buy my painting. My girl friend said its beautiful lets buy it, bending over touching the frame and admiring the color of it. Well I knew that painting was going to be expensive and my girl friend would be paying for it, so in discuss I said no lets not get it at the same time i slapped the side of my pants pocket. I had paused for several seconds then my girl friend stood up looked at me and said whats the matter. I looked at her wired then I reached into my pants pocket and pulled out 5 one hundred dollar bills. TO BE CONTINUED !

The Russian Girl I Fell In Love With Story part 4 (by X73-Andre')

Just before leaving her apartment she invited me to come back anytime and I said sure. Well the next day came and I was just about to leave my apartment to get some pizza until I heard a knock at the door, I opened it and its was Alena the Russian woman I meet upstairs, she was wearing a beautiful dress and was holding two tickets in her hand, she asked me would I love to accompany her at a Broadway show downtown. Now I never had a woman ask me that, right then and there I fell in love.

The Russian Girl I Fell In Love With Story part 3 (by X73-Andre')

Standing in a pool of water I asked her what had happened to your sink, she looked at me smiled and said I tried to replace a washer. Well after a few laughs we dried our selves off and sat on the couch. I asked her where was she from because of the sound of her voice and she told me Russia. I said wow very interesting I never met a woman from Russia before until now, how long have you lived in this apartment I asked. She leaned over picked up her tall glass of sparkling drink and said for about 7 Months. Well to make a long story short after talking with her for awhile I told her I have to go back to my apartment and clean up what ever mess that fell from my ceiling. She looked at me said she was very sorry and was willing to pay for any damages done but I stopped her from speaking any further and said no way that's okay don't worry about it. Just before leaving her apartment she invited me to come back anytime and I said sure. TO BE CONTINUED !

The Russian Girl I Fell In Love With Story part 2 (by X73-Andre')

After knocking for several minutes the door opens up and standing there is this beautiful woman wearing a very wet nightgown. She was about 5'9'' with long hair and a very nice shape that showed through her wet night gown. I guest she didn't notice how transparent her night gown had became, all she cared about was telling me the problem she was having. Before I could say anything she said (with a very concern face) could you help me with my kitchen sink, I said sure and walked inside her apartment. She closed the door and said hurry this way please, as to my surprise her kitchen sink was shooting up water like a geyser, water was everywhere and her kitchen was huge. She handed me some tools and 15 minutes later I had fixed her sink. Standing in a pool of water I asked her what had happened to your sink, she looked at me smiled and said I tried to replace a washer. TO BE CONTINUED


I sit on a park bench with tears in my eyes waiting for love to sit on my thigh. The hours past by and I still don't know why, am I that kinda guy that love ignore my eyes. I lean my head back and look up into the sky, seeing nothing but blurriness due to the tears in my eyes. As the hours past by I refused to wipe my tears for love cant be that mean to past me by every time of the year. Once again the hours past by then before I knew it a bird sat next to my side. To my amazement its eyes was glowing bright, I didn't know what to do I just sat there in a fright. It wanted to let me know to not be afraid, it softly flap its wings and hovered in the air. As the wind picked up I saw the bird in the sky, flapping its wings it gave me a gift right before my eyes.

The Russian Girl I Fell In Love With Story part 1 (by X73-Andre')

The time is 12:00 am and I'm still trying to figure out what type of story to write to add on to my story collections. I type a few sentences thinking this is something I could work with then I just hit the back space erasing it all and start all over again. My fingers over the keyboard and just staring at my computer monitor I just couldn't think of anything to type. I got up and went to the kitchen and grab a soda out of the fridge hoping that if I had something cold to drink maybe It would help me think of something to type. Well after finishing my soda I found out that didn't work, I felt good and refreshed but still could't think of a dam thing. So I turned off the computer laid down in bed to give it another try tomorrow. Just when I was about to close my eyes I heard drops of water coming down from inside my room, I reached over and turned on the light and saw water coming down from the ceiling just at the foot of my bed. Now I didn't know what the hell was going on but I was going to find out, so I quickly got dressed and went up to the next floor and knocked on my neighbors door. After knocking for several minutes the door opens up and standing there is this beautiful woman wearing a very wet nightgown. TO BE CONTINUE !

My Mountain Dream Bike Story part 1 Continued (by X73-Andre')

The tunnel was dark, so dark I had to turn on my powerful bike lights as I rode. I had just past 3 of the four bike riders that was ahead of me and now trying to catch up with the forth rider. The rider was 10 yards away out side from the tunnel and I know that once that rider passes the big 500 year old tree after the water fall its home free, down the hill hitting a speed of 95 mph to the finish line. I needed a miracle to happen in order for me to catch up with that rider and it happened, just before the rider was just about to past the water fall the rider hit a wet spot and slid into the sand. I flew passed the rider with a big grin on my face while looking back but before I knew it the rider was back on the trail. It seemed like I was going in slow motion because before I got up to the 500 year old tree the rider was next to me and I knew this was going to be a hell of a finish. Here we go down the steep hill at speeds of 95 mph to the finish line with sweat, tears, dust, and dirt flying everywhere. The lovely girl dropped the finish flag and the trail of dust and dirt filled the air like a sand storm in the desert. After Reviewing the tape the judges made their decision, well at least I brought home back with me the second place Silver Trophy and kissed the back hand of the winner, she is taking me out to dinner next week. :)

My Mountain Dream Bike Story part 1 (by X73-Andre')

The time 7:00am the place in the steep rocky dirt hills of Colorado. Riding a mountain bike is like riding a motorcycle except your the engine that keeps that motion going when it needs it. I had just finished my bottle of water after wiping out from a very sharp corner, when your going 50 to 60 Mph down a rocky dirt hill with other riders throwing up dust and dirt everywhere its difficult to see whats coming up and believe me if it wasn't for that foam coated fence it would have been a different story being unconscious would have been the factor. Well after I cleaned myself off and re-adjusted my handle bars back in the race I went. Now I don't know whats worse wiping out at 50 to 60 mph down hill or struggling up hill at 5 mph, but it was still all good for someone that loves the sport. After I made it up the hill it was level ground and I was not that far behind from 4 other riders that I just saw go inside the dark tunnel. TO BE CONTINUED !

The Beautiful Indian Girl On The Bus Story (by X73-Andre')

There are times when you say to yourself I'm glad i took the bus today. It was coming back home from a long trip and a young Indian Girl around 23 sat across from me on the bus and was listening to her music. She was medium built with long hair down to her back and with the most beautifulest eyes you can imagine. She was that kind of girl that would make every portrait in a museum worthless. When she lifted her eyes up from off of her smartphone she looked at me with her amazing eyes and gave a soft smiled. Now that just slowed down time for me, it felt like everything was going in slow motion, I could see her looking at me and smiling and that was it. I can't even remember did I smile back I was so into her, well I must have because she didn't make a face of being rejected. Before I knew it she got off the next stop, I don't know whats more heart breaking getting rejected or missing the change to get the phone number.

Me and The Russian Lady Story (by X73-Andre')

The time 9:30 pm the place New York, I had just came out of the movie theater and was just going to take a cab home until I notice across the street a restaurant with a huge sign saying grand opening. Now me not really being the curious type decided to walk over and find out what this place is all about. Just before I went to reach for the crystal handle of the door it quickly opened up and out came this Gorgeous Russian Women that was wearing a light blue dress that sparkled wildly. I watched her walked to the side of the curb waving for a cab but one after another they just pasted by. I don't know whether it was the dress, her or the combination of both but I just couldn't turn around and walk inside the restaurant it was like I was being magnetized. Well for ten minutes shivering my self I watched her in the cold waving for a cab, just before I decide to walk over to her to offer my coat she turns around and walk toward me. She asked me did I know a cab company and me being nervous of her beauty I just mumbled. She made that kinda face like what the heck but at the same time she took it as kinda cute. After a few mumbles I finally got my talking right and invited her inside the restaurant, that night came out to be many great nights of my life.


My Asian Girl Dream Story (By X73-Andre')

I had a dream last night about a beautiful Asian Women  her eyes was the color of Crystal Blue Waters that shined bright every time I looked at her. She was wearing a lovely white silk nightgown that softly fluttered back and forth in the wind. Her hair was as soft as her nightgown touching it from the top of her head right down to her back. Her hand felt softer than cotton kissing the back of it while at the same time admiring her beautiful smile. Her lips was moving but I couldn't hear what she was saying as we stood next to a massive gold, white and blue water fall. I got closer to her lips with mine as she still is talking and I still can't hear her, before she could
move her lips anymore we kissed and the softness of her lips turned everything bright white and then I woke up with my lips on my pillow I cant wait until I sleep again.